
Showing posts from November, 2017

Why iPhone 6s is stil the BEST iPhone in 2017!

The iPhones in 2017 For all of you who is an Apple fanboy (kinda just like me, for now) you must have heard about the almighty 10th anniversary iPhone that is just around the corner along with the underrated iPhone 7s and 7s Plus. Folks started to name it which such names like iPhone X or iPhone 8 -Which is funny I think to release iPhone 7s and iPhone 8 at the same time-. Some of the fanboys are preparing their bucks to be slapped on Cook's face to get the iPhone 8. But some of them -and maybe me- are not going to spend money to get the newest iPhone yet. Even the 7s and 7s Plus. And what is the reason behind that decision? Because I'm now currently having the iPhone 6s which is not  surprisingly still faster and better in many categories compare to the "green robot" even the flagships even though this year is gonna be its 2nd birthday. Here is why.... 1. Performance and Specification The 6s has an "s" which is sacred in the iPhones line. Just look